Saturday, July 25, 2009

I passed !!!

I am officially a third year dental students! Omg...unbelievable! I passed all the 14 subjects in second year which including oral anatomy, oral biochemistry, conservative dentistry, prosthetics, dental biomaterials, periodontology, pathology, oral microbiology, general microbiology, pharmacology, social and behaviors, communication skills, dental therapeutics and OSCA ! Looks like I am dreaming and I still cant believe that I did it. Holidays ~~HOoray, I am going to enjoy it and more food blogs will be uploaded ! Yeah~


CK Lam said...

Congrats Agnes for achieving that.

Little Inbox said...

Well done! Congratulations!

Agnes Cheong said...

Thanks cklam and little inbox~ ^_^

XtasyM said...

u always did well :)

Taufulou said...

eh, so next time go find you to check teeth free ga?

Agnes Cheong said...

XtasyM: Haha, you're the one who always do well!

taufulou: Discount discount lor ~~LOL